#grand galemon
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thedigitallink · 9 months ago
i'm so sorry i keep spawning in your inbox lmao would a galemon with a color palette similar to ornismon's be too complicated to pull off? if so, just a purple birdramon would suffice— again thank you for bearing with me every time 😭
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I...may have gone overboard, but I liked the idea, so I did Pteromon and Grand Galemon too. Might do Zephagamon later. Let me know if you want anything adjusted!
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maswartz · 1 year ago
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Pteromon Galemon Grand Galemon Zephagamon Shoemon Shoeshoemon Chaperomon Cendrillmon
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eeveegirl9 · 3 months ago
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This is Silver's Tamer Card. His partner is Pteromon, his D-3 is aurora silver and his Crest is the Crest of Hope.
Fresh/Baby I: Yolkmon
In-Training/Baby II: Fluffymon
Rookie/Child: Pteromon
Champion/Adult: Galemon
Ultimate/Perfect: Grand Galemon
Mega/Ultimate: Zephagamon
Gender(Pronouns): He/Him
Yolkmon: Bubbles
Fluffymon: Birdy Head
Pteromon: Wind Slicer
Galemon: Hurricane Slicer/Tornado Launcher
Grand Galemon: Draconic Storm/Wing Tornado
Zephagamon: Gale Braver/Anemoi Embrace
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arcthebreeder · 11 months ago
04/15/2024, 20:57 (GMT-5)
Well... It was more than just a few hours!
You see, we were wandering around in the Digital World, him with his Dukemon and me with Canoweissmon and Siriusmon. "D" has been talking about how new Digimon were discovered a few months ago, some of those Digimon are rumored to come from Witchelny, another Digital World that hasn't been explored that much yet, some Digimon like Wizarmon and Witchmon are confirmed to come from there, this Digital World also houses a pretty rare Dukemon variant "D" had his eyes on, Medieval Dukemon.
Medieval Dukemon has been known as "The Vortex Warrior" since its discovery in 2010, thus mocking the fact that whoever discovered him, wrote that he was part of a group called The Vortex Warriors, however, for almost 14 years, no one had discovered a digimon from this group aside Medieval Dukemon, theorizing that the guy who discovered it was either lying or misunderstanding what the first Medieval Dukemon specimen ever seen was saying, everyone labeled him as either stupid or "delulu".
Well, it appears that some of the Digimon that were discovered recently, specifically Grand Galemon and Zephagamon, are members of the Vortex Warriors, taking orders from Medieval Dukemon, also called "The Whirlwind General". Anyways, we were walking through a forest that is supposedly connected with Witchelny, this because of the amount of magic-related digimon that wander the zone and, as it seems, an also recently discovered Digimon called Chaperomon, who bares data from multiple fairy tales, (mainly Little Red Hood) within her, inhabitants that zone, in search for Fangmon, who has data from the Big Bad Wolf from the old fairy tales. She at first glance attacked us with a Molotov cocktail based attack called "Apple For You" that was easily reflected by "D's" Dukemon, after clearing the misunderstanding, we talked about how we wanted to talk with the Vortex Warriors, she apparently knew one of the Digimon partaken in that group personally, so she lead us to them.
After arriving at a hidden grotto, we were warmly welcomed by a Galemon's Hurricane Slasher, a large, sharp blade of wind that was almost instantly cut in a half with Siriusmon's Sylvia, after this little encounter, Medieval Dukemon himself came to welcome us, and excuse his pupil, asking us why we were here, "D", who was the must interested about him, got into a deep talk with Medieval Dukemon about who knows what. Since my friend was clearly doing his own business, I decided to wander around with Canoweissmon and Siriusmon. Most of the digimon inside the grotto were digimon in armor who I cannot assure belonged to the Vortex Warriors, like Kotemon, and some Koemon playing around (surely Kuzuhamon would've loved to see that) Canoweissmon pointed out the obvios, that we weren't really doing anything specific, and we ended up walking out of the group, we even left Siriusmon behind since he wanted to talk with a Zephagamon who called his attention, after some time, Canoweissmon began talking about the frustrations he had about how he wasn't able to evolve into Ultimate, we thought we were alone but, without us noticing, a huge Grand Galemon flew down upon us, Grand Galemon asked what was wrong, and talked with Canoweissmon.
He left everything out with him, how his brother got to evolve into Ultimate and managed to control the wicked data that once affected his personality, how even Rasenmon surpassed him after beating her own negative emotions that took the form of Rasenmon Rage Mode, and, that even if he looked up to Siriusmon, he was jealous of him, because of his self confidence and impressive power.
Grand Galemon sat down and listened to everything Canoweissmon had to say, and afterwards told him the following.
「I understand where your frustrations are coming from, but you don't need to be as strong as the rest to be their equal, your contributions to your companions aren't only based on how strong you are, but how much you care about them, and how you make them know that, taking care of them, and fighting along side them, plus, you don't need to be an Ultimate to be strong, look at me! I've been Medieval Dukemon's right hand since forever, and I'm "only a Perfect" everyone gets their chance to evolve and be stronger, but you can't over hype that moment and that form because if you do, you'll never be ok with that form, and never get to appreciate it」
It's a... Pretty good speech, not only applicable to digimon but also to us humans, but... I'm getting out of hand.
During all this time we spent with Grand Galemon, Siriusmon and Dukemon got to practice and spar with Medieval Dukemon and Zephagamon, so after some time, we got out.
I don't know what "D" wanted with Medieval Dukemon exactly, but I'm pretty sure he got it, since he was pretty happy when we finally came back.
After that, I tried to convince "D" to analyze the DigiTama I got from the police, he accepted to have it laying around for a bit, but I'll have to pick it up as soon as I can, since, in his own words "his PC is NOT a kindergarten"
And... Yeah, that's fair.
Oh! Talking about Bits, my friend I talked about in another entry managed to hatch her DigiTama, and her V-mon, Sophie, has finally reached Child stage, she's going to a little town soon so I'll have to see how that could affect Sophie's growing, and of course, I'll keep you updated.
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